The American Legion Athletic Club, founded in 1938, pursuant to its Articles of Incorporation has the duty and obligation to sponsor and monitor the Wheeling American Legion Post 1 Baseball Program. By providing a competitive baseball environment to players from The Linsly School, Wheeling Central Catholic High School, Wheeling Park High School and other schools wherein the player has retrieved the appropriate waivers, the Club affords young men the opportunity to learn and grow their physical and mental skills in the context of fair play and sportsmanship.

Board of Trustees (in order of appearance):

President: Donald J. Tennant, Jr. 

Vice President: Scott Blass   

Secretary: Don Morris 

Treasurer: Dave Mathieu 


Charles "Chuck" Koehler

Steve Wojcik (not pictured)

Mark Delbrugge 

Mark Maguire 

Sean K. Jamison 

Bill Salvatori (not pictured)

Brian Ghaphery (not pictured)

Jon-Michael Brunner


1938 Original Incorporators: 

T.Y. Beckett

James R. Flynn

Bernard E. Kaiser 

George W. Prettyman Jr. 

Sam Front

Cosmias M. Kahl 

W.R. Hamilton 

George B. Kennedy 

Walter J. Gribben 

Bernard W. Burkle 

Edmund Lee Jones 

Harry T. Clouse 

C. Lee Spillers 

George W. Morrison 

George W. Keane 

J. Roy Guess

Joseph F. Becke 

Daniel E. Wood 

C.B. Montgomery 

Joe S. Jefferson 

J.R. McManus